After having flue liners for woodburners fitted, couples should look into buying flue accessories such as a chimney cap.

Andrew Karundu, a building economist, said in an entry on Ezine Articles that after constructing the flue, the next phase is to purchase a chimney cap to prevent the system from becoming blocked.

"When the chimney flue is built, it should have a cap. This will prevent objects or animals falling inside and getting stuck," he stated.

Another point homeowners must keep in mind if they are installing their own system is that the chimney stack must have enough outlets to release the smoke and the joint between it and the roof must be waterproofed to prevent moisture damage, Mr Karundu added.

The Ask the Chimney Sweep blog recently recommended that homeowners invest in stainless steel chimney caps.

According to the source, they are a better option than many alternatives for the fact that they will not succumb to rust.