Wood-burning fireplaces 'are loved by homeowners'

Households can prepare themselves for the winter months by installing a wood-burning fire and chimney flue for woodburners.

According to Alternative Energy News, wood burning fireplaces are loved by many people and there are families which could not do without one.

"They're usually referred to as wood-burning fireplace inserts since they're built to fit into a conventional open fireplace. What is important about this type of heating unit is the fact that it offers maximum heating of a living space," the blog said.

Another option for homeowners is a gas fireplace with a flue liner, which is a very reliable source of heat thanks to the gas line which feeds into it, the source went on to say.

A recent survey by Precision Reach on behalf of Specflue found that 67 per cent of people said they see a wood-burning stove as an attractive feature in a property, thisismoney.co.uk recently reported.