British property owners who are looking to reduce their impact on the environment should look towards adequate measures such as insulation.

Investing in either loft or cavity insulation will help to keep any heat from a wood burning stove within the property, meaning that less wood or coal will need to be burnt.

"There are a wide range of products and types of insulation available to insulate walls, lofts and roof spaces, floors and draughty door and windows," said Neil Marshall, chief executive of the National Insulation Association.

"The biggest carbon challenge in the UK is to significantly tackle the existing housing stock. Therefore, householders looking to save carbon can make a real difference by installing adequate measures," he added.
Another step households can take to keep heat in their home is to invest in double glazing.

With two layers of glass and new, sturdy frames, does not only prevent cold air from coming into the house, but it stops heat escaping.